Meet Rev. Darby
Rev. Darby Mackenzie Line, BA, MA
As the daughter of an Episcopal priest who stood up courageously for equality and interfaith understanding back in the 1960s, I grew up with a living example of the interfaith/interspiritual way of being.
Following in my father's footsteps, my ministry welcomes and embraces people of all faiths and no faith, all nationalities and races, all sexual orientations, spiritual seekers, questioners, doubters—anyone who yearns for the experience of the Divine in any of its many forms.
My life journey has prepared me to meet others with open arms:
I have a BA in Music, an MA in Journalism, 12 years directing non-profit programs for the elderly, and 6 years in international cultural exchange in Eastern Europe. I'm also a former Licensed Massage Therapist, a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and a certified ceremonial sound practitioner, with 30 years' experience in the healing arts.
As an Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister ordained by One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York. I maintain a private practice as a Life Celebrant and aromatic healer. I'm active in southeast Florida interfaith organizations, am Vice President of JAM & ALL Interfaith, and am Assistant Minister/Director of Operations at Unity of Pompano Beach Spiritual Center in Pompano Beach, Florida.
The heart of my ministry is this:
By honoring and celebrating diversity and the presence of the Divine in all of Creation through meaningful, inclusive ceremonies and heart-centered healing work, I hope to serve as a bridge of peace and understanding in a world that is so greatly in need of them.
I vow to keep my eyes and ears open to hear Spirit's call, and to keep my heart and hands always ready to respond with courage and compassion.